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Writer's pictureStars Aberystwyth

Choosing & Tuning - How to pick the best crystals to enhance your energy field.

All crystals and gemstones are naturally tuned to particular vibrations, frequencies and energy harmonics. See which crystal captivates your eye or attracts your attention. It is usually the first one that we feel drawn to that will be 'our' crystal. When you are in attunement with a crystal, you will experience sensations of resonance, balance, harmony, joy, compassion, wisdom or love. It will give you a feeling of wholeness and completion.

Choosing crystals and gemstones is an intuitive act of love. So take a very deep breath and release all negative thoughts and emotions, still your mind and focus completely on the crystals as you hold them one by one. Your intention will be known. If you only wish to use the crystals, rather than becoming their partners, the crystals may stay inert or their energy may withdraw. Part of the spiritual work of the crystal devas is to work with human spirits. If your intention is to become a partner, much more of their magic will manifest into your life.

Allow yourself to notice which stones feel good to you. If a stone feels good to you it probably will be the right one for you. You may like to use a pendulum, or ask a family member to help with muscle-testing techniques. Also allow your inner guru and the crystal devas to be the teachers. Do not listen to or be too prejudiced by other people's thinking and advice, however well meant. Ask for guidance from the point of love and wisdom within yourself. If you are working from the point of love and humility you will always be helped by the crystal devas. In the West we have a very superior attitude and, in our ignorance, we tend to believe we are the highest evolved energy in the universe.

Selecting personal stones

A cautionary word - it is wisest not to tune in to unclean stones. The implications of tuning into uncleaned crystals and gemstones are immense. You will run the risk of absorbing any residual negative vibrations which have been left on the stones from whoever has handled them prior to you, be it the miner, wholesaler, retailer, jeweller or any previous customer. It is very important that all crystals are cleansed before you attune to them. Cleansing is important and will ensure that any residual disharmonies are removed from the stones. To be completely safe, it is best to choose your crystal by sight and leave the tuning in till later, after you have had time to cleanse them yourself.

Method 1 - Vibration

Because all crystals and gemstones are naturally tuned to a particular frequency, vibration, resonance or energy harmonics, when you attune to a stone you will experience a sensation that is appropriate to that stone's harmonic range: this very often is a feeling of harmony, peace, compassion, balance, love or wholeness.

Selecting a crystal or gemstone by its vibration:

1. Raise the sensitivity of your hands by washing them in warm water, then dry them thoroughly.

2. Begin to sensitise your hands by shaking them; this releases blocked energy.

3. Briskly rub your hands together; this begins to concentrate the chi or prana into your hands allowing for further sensitivity.

4. Hold your hands with your palms facing each other, about nine inches apart. Feel the energy radiating and vibrating between your hands; play with this energy.

5. Begin to form this energy into a ball and visualise it yellow in colour. When it feels right, place this yellow ball into the solar plexus area. This energises your mental body, allowing you to perceive the energy of the crystals more easily.

6. Take a deep breath and relax. Release all negative thoughts and emotions, still your mind and focus completely on the crystals as you hold them one by one. Your intention will be known.

7. Hold several different crystals, allow plenty of time with each stone. Normally you will find your receptive left hand (if you are right-handed) finds this process easier than your right hand. The reverse will be true if you are left-handed.

8. Make a mental note of which stone feels good to you personally. If it intuitively feels 'right' to you then it is definitely the right one for you at this time.

9. When you have finished, ground, centre and focus yourself. It is a great practise to write down the experience, so you can refer to it in the future.

Method 2 - Intuition

1. Take a very deep breath and release all negative thoughts and emotions.

2. Still your mind and focus completely on the crystals as you look at them one by one. Your intention will be known to the crystals.

3. Hold each crystal or gemstone in your mind and feel the energy or vibration; if it intuitively feels good to you, it has a natural affinity with you.

4. When you have finished, ground, centre and focus yourself. Then write down the experience, for future reference.

Method 3 - Scanning

Another method is scanning, passing your hand slowly over several crystals until you can detect a crystal that feels hotter/cooler/stronger vibration/pulse etc.

1. Raise the sensitivity in your hands by washing them in warm water, then dry them thoroughly.

2. Begin to sensitise your hands by shaking them; this releases blocked energy.

3. Briskly rub your hands together; this begins to concentrate the chi or prana into your hands allowing for further sensitivity.

4. Hold your hands with your palms facing each other, about nine inches apart. Feel the energy radiating and vibrating between your hands; play with this energy.

5. Begin to form this energy into a ball and visualise it yellow in colour. When it feels right, place this yellow ball into the solar plexus area. This energises your mental body, allowing you to perceive the energy of the crystals more easily.

6. Now take a very deep breath and release all negative thoughts and emotions, still your mind and focus completely on the crystals. Your intention will be known to the crystals.

7. Pass your left hand slowly over several crystals and begin to feel and see their energy. Gradually work along each crystal, observing the energy in any way that you can, via heat, cold, tingling, vibration, pulse, etc. If you are left-handed, work with your right hand.

8. When you have finished, ground, centre and focus yourself. Then write down the experience, for future reference.

Method 4 - Kinesiology

Kinesiology, or muscle testing, is one very effective way of selecting personal stones. This very simplified version really is extremely useful.

1. You need to find another person to work with.

2. Extend your right arm at shoulder height.

3. First test your normal muscle strength by having the other person rest two fingers on your extended arm and press down gently but firmly while you resist.

4. Then with your left hand, hold the crystal or stone on your witness area, which is at the thymus, the area where your physical and etheric bodies meet.

5. Ask the question "Is this the right crystal for me to wear or carry?" or "Is this a good gemstone for me to use for self-healing? Is this good for meditation? Is it good for channelling?"

6. After each question, have the other person do the same finger test on your extended arm, while you resist.

7. If your arm remains strong, you have made the right choice. If your arm becomes weak, try again with another stone.

8. When you have finished, ground, centre and focus yourself. Then write down the experience, for future reference.

Method 5 - Resonance

There are many other methods of choosing your crystal or gemstone. My favourite is to use resonance, which is a connected breathing technique. It uses rhythmical, connected, fine breaths which are long, slow and deep, allowing us to connect to, and experience, the vibrational aspect of the energy that drives the breath. This energy is our divine essence. When using this technique you will reach a point where you feel as though you are 'being breathed'. As you continue with this breathing practise you will experience it aiding you in maintaining and restoring health and vitality and increasing longevity. This is due to its pure and perfect nature.

1. Hold a clear quartz single terminated crystal in your right hand with the termination pointing away from you.

2. Take a long deep breath in and breathe out very slowly as though a candle flame is in front of you and your breath must be so gentle as not to blow it out.

3. Begin to breathe in a connected way, where each inhale flows naturally into each exhale with no pause. The Buddhists call this 'chasing the breath'. The re-birthers call it rhythmical breathing. 

4. Breathe finely and slowly, through the nostrils, until you feel the resonance or oscillation.

5. Slowly bring your right hand and crystal to the witness area at the thymus - this area is where your physical and etheric bodies meet - and continue to breathe slowly and calmly.

6. Allow the crystal consciousness to merge with your energy field.

7. When you have finished, ground, centre and focus yourself. Then write about the experience, for future reference.

The Buddhists say that correct breathing keeps the body calm - calm breath, calm body, calm mind. The crystal consciousness is much slower and calmer than our normal everyday vibration. This is one of the reasons why we, as humans, find it so very therapeutic and beneficial to our health, vitality and well-being to work with the crystal consciousness. The crystal energy is also much more focused than most human minds; crystals do not scatter their energy as humans do. Using connected breathing resonance allows us to access the crystal vibration with greater ease.

Method 6 - Breath

1. Another way to find a crystal you feel empathy with is to hold your crystal in your right hand and take a deep breath.

2. Hold your breath until you feel your body to begin to shake, vibrate or oscillate.

3. As you exhale and relax, point the termination of the crystal towards the palm of your left hand, at a distance of two to six inches.

4. Begin slowly to move the crystal in a clockwise circular motion. You will begin to feel a sensation in your left hand reflecting the movements of the crystal. 

5. Begin to move your right hand further and further away from your left hand, keeping the circular motion intact. Move your hand as far away as you can, until you no longer feel the crystal sensation in your left hand, then begin slowly spiralling the crystal back in, then out.

6. Continue in this manner until your left hand feels a sensation of lightness, tingling or heat.

7. When you have finished, ground, centre and focus yourself.

Method 7 - Hand Activation

Another method is hand activation or attunement.

1. Hold your breath until you feel your body shake, tremble, vibrate or oscillate.

2. As you exhale and relax, point the termination of the crystal towards the palm of your left hand, at a distance of two to six inches, and slowly move the crystal in a clockwise circular motion. You will begin to feel a sensation in your left hand reflecting the movements of the crystal. Begin to move your right hand further and further away from your left hand, keeping the circular motion intact.

3. Move your hand as far away as you can, until you no longer feel the crystal sensation in your left hand, then slowly spiral the crystal back in, then out, then in.

4. Continue in this manner until your hand feels very light and full of energy.

5. Repeat the process on the back of your left hand.

6. Trace round the outline of your hand three times with the termination of the crystal.

7. Put your crystal down, close your eyes and feel the difference between your left and right hands.

8. Repeat the whole process, this time on your right hand, holding your crystal in your left.

9. This crystal technique will remove all the energy blocks within your hands and will aid you in your crystal healing practise. It is also good for those who work as Reiki or spiritual healers. Regular use of this technique will enhance your health and well-being also. The hand represents the whole of the body, so in fact you are carrying out a crystal healing session on yourself each time you use this simple technique.

10. When you have finished, ground, centre and focus yourself.

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