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Malachite is believed to be a  protector for children.

It is also a stone which is said to encourage and hold a healthy balance in relationships.

Malachite has been used to aid success in business and protect against negative business associations.  It is said to protect the wearer from accidents and be beneficial to carry whilst travelling for its protective properties. It is an emotional healer, aiding in releasing negativity and painful traumas. Malachite can assist in re-birthing rituals.

It used to be worn in the crowns of kings as it was believed to connect the bearer to their higher wisdom and encourage wise council.


If you suffer with Insomnia Malachite is said to be very helpful, hold a piece an hour before you go to bed and sleep with it in your hand until you fall asleep. Keep this up for a couple of weeks and you should see good results!

Malachite Tumblestone

  • Price is for one stone, approx. 2 cm

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